Weight Loss Secrete Leaked/Shocking Results-Unbelievable


  • Alum Powder              2 tbsp
  • Vicks Vapor rub          2-3 tbsp
  • Baking Soda                 1 tbsp

Mix it well.If your consistency thick then add more vicks.

How to apply:-

  • Apply Thick layer of the mixture on your body where you want to reduction the weight.
  • Rap this area with the Plastic rap.Make sure cover tightly this area where you apply thick mixture.you sweating more and reduce the fat of the body.
  • Apply this cream for 2 hour and leave for overnight.
  • you can see he result in one day your fat must reduces by this cream.

Vicks Vapor :-

By rubbing Vicks behind your ears, inner knees and neck, you will keep insects away. You can … CanVick’s Vapor rub reduce belly fat? … As far as the use of Vicks for belly fat loss is concerned, it has no significant evidence for the same.
However, it cannot do miracle, but can stimulate fat burning in the problematic area, such as legs or abdomen. It can aid you fight fat accumulation, remove cellulite and stretch marks and make skin tissue firm. All you need to do is prepare a cream with Vicks Vapo Rub, camphor, baking soda and a little bit of alcohol.
Baking powder:-
Because baking soda soothes indigestion by neutralizing stomach acids, it’s rumored to help your body break down fat. In reality, it has no direct effect on body fat — and doesn’t negate the calories from fats you consume. You lose weight when you create an energy deficit or eat fewer calories than you burn.

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