Legionnaire’s disease;causes and treatment


Legionella is the causal agent of Legionnaire’s disease. Legionella easily thrives in soil, hot tubs, swimming pools, cooling systems or air-conditioning units for large buildings, such as hospitals and natural water bodies, such as lake or rivers.

The warm and moist environment in such places is optimal for the growth and spread of the bacteria.

Although the bacteria primarily spread through aerosolized water droplets, the infection can be transmitted by other routes, including:

  • Aspiration: This occurs when liquids accidentally enter your lungs, usually because you cough or choke while drinking. If you aspirate water containing Legionella bacteria, you may develop Legionnaires’ disease.
  • Soil: A few people have contracted Legionnaires’ disease after working in the garden or using contaminated potting soil.  


The treatment of Legionnaires’ disease typically involves a 10 to 14-days course of intravenous (injected) antibiotics.

These may include one or combination of the following antibiotics:

  • The fluoroquinolones such as levofloxacin, and moxifloxacin
  • The macrolides such as erythromycin, azithromyocin, and clarithromycin
  • The tetracyclines including doxycycline (Vibramycin) or
  • The Glycylcyclines

The choice of antibiotic is often dependent on the patient’s clinical state, tolerance to the medication, and degree of certainty as to the diagnosis.

One crucial thing that your doctor will carefully consider is preventing from dehydration. Doctor may also refer you to a specialist of treating lung diseases or infectious diseases, if needed.


To prevent Legionnaire’s disease, the following points should be considered:

  • Proper maintenance, cleaning, and disinfection of water systems, pools, and spas
  • Avoid smoking. It is the most crucial thing you can do to lower your risk of infection.

Home remedies:

Several alternative home remedies as described below can help you fight against the Legionnaires’ disease:

  • Drink more herbal tea like catnip, echinacea, and chamomile tea or anise seed tea.
  • Eating or chewing olive leaves, olive oil may also use.
  • Eating citrus and ginger.
  • Avoiding damp or wet locations.

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