Get Soft Pink Baby Lips 100% Naturally-Lighten Dark Lips Instantly

Get Soft Baby Pink Lips 100% Naturally-Lighten Dark Lips Instantly.In this remedy you can get solution of cracked/chapped lips.Get soft pink lips naturally.


  • Almond Oil                half tsp
  • Vitamin E capsule    1
  • Half piece of Lemon


  • Take Almond oil and Vitamin E capsule and mix it well
  • Then take a piece of lemon dip in the bowl of mixture of almond and vitamin E capsule .
  • Gently massage on your lips with the lemon piece and wipe it.

Effective lips pack 


  • Beat Root juice     half tsp
  • Milk Cream           1 tsp

Mix it very well and apply thick layer of this pack and after five minute and remove extra pack and leave for overnight.In morning wash your face.

These are super effective remedy for your cracked and dark lips.


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