Remove Stretch Marks in 3 days Get Rid with home Remedies Naturally

These are common issue but now don’t worry about it any more because today we made 2 remedies to get rid the stretch fast.Here two remedies most effective remedies below:

Also One effective remedy for pregnant women stretch marks.

First Remedy


  • Egg White       1 Egg
  • Half Lemon Juice
  • Castor Oil       as you need


  • First take a bowl and add egg white in it form 1 egg.
  • Then add half lemon juice and mix it well.

How to Apply:-

  • After mixing the ingredients apply this solution on stretch marks.
  • When it is dry then washed off.
  • Before sleeping at night take castor oil and massage for  5-10 minutes on your stretches mark .And leave for overnight.
  • If you want best result use this remedy use for  2 week.

Second Remedy

  • Half leaf of Aloe Vera Gel
  • 5 vitamin E Capsule
  • 4-5 Cloves


  • Take a bowl and take a  half of leaf of Aloe Vera Gel and blend it very and get juice form it and add into a bowl.
  • Then take 5 Vitamin E Capsule and add in bowl.Mix it well.
  • After mixing then add 4-5  clove in it.

How to Apply:-

  • Use this solution on your stretch marks and massage it until it absorbed.
  • Use this remedy on the daily bases.
  • After few days you can see the your stretch became lighten.
  • Use this remedy at night.

How to use:

  • You can use this remedy on daily bases and store this remedy for 15.

For Pregnant women stretch marks removal remedy


  • Olive Oil       1 tsp
  • Almond Oil   1 tsp
  • Castor Oil      1 tsp

Mix it well and apply on your stretch marks.This is a effective remedy.


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