Beat the heat with these super hydrating facial mists.Many mists are available in market but many people can’t afford this product.But these homemade mists giving you refreshing effect.These are the best mists ever.

1st Facial Mist for Dry skin


  • Fresh  Aloe Vera gel       small piece
  • Half bottle of rose water


  • Extract the fresh Aloe Vera gel from the leaf and add this gel in the spray  rose water bottle.
  • Shake it well and you can store this in fridge for a week.

2nd Facial Mist for Oily/Combination Acne Prone Skin


  • Green tea         half cup
  • Tea tree oil      2 drops
  • Rose hip oil    as you need


  • Take these this ingredients in a spray bottle shake well.
  • You can store this in fridge for a week.

3rd Facial Mist Sensitive/D-Hydrated Skin


  • Cucumber Juice        4 tbsp
  • Rose water                  half bottle


  • Mix these thing very well.This mist add in a spray bottle.
  • You can store this in fridge for a week.

4th Facial Mist Skin Brightening for skin All type


  • Rose Water     one full bottle
  • Saffron             one pinch
  • JOJOBA Oil    few drops


  • ADD these thing in the rose water spray bottle and shake it well.
  • You can store this in fridge for a week.you can use it next day.



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